Tuesday, March 21, 2017


                  Data Guard

Primary Database
A Data Guard configuration contains one production database, also referred to as the primary database, that functions in the primary role.

Standby Database
A standby database is a transactionally consistent copy of the primary database.

There are 3 types of standby databases possible in Data Guard Configuration:
1. Physical standby database
2. Logical standby database
3. Snapshot Standby database

Physical standby database:
Provides a physically identical copy of the primary database, with on diskdatabase structures that are identical to the primary database on a block-for-block basis. The database schema, including indexes, are the same. A physical standby database is kept synchronized with the primary database, through Redo Apply, which recovers the redo data received from the primary database and applies the redo to the physical standby database.
Logical standby database:
Contains the same logical information as the production database, although the physical organization and structure of the data can be different. The logical standby database is kept synchronized with the primary database through SQL Apply, which transforms the data in the redo received from the primary database into SQL statements and then executes the SQL statements on the standby database.
Snapshot Standby Database:
A snapshot standby database is a fully updatable standby database.
Like a physical or logical standby database, a snapshot standby database receives and archives redo data from a primary database. Unlike a physical or logical standby database, a snapshot standby database does not apply the redo data that it receives. The redo data received by a snapshot standby database is not applied until the snapshot standby is converted back into a physical standby database, after first discarding any local updates made to the snapshot standby database.

Data Guard Services
1. Redo Transport Services
2. Apply Services
3. Role Transitions

A physical standby database Data Guard Protection Modes
1. Maximum availability
2. Maximum performance (default)
3. Maximum protection

Actual Steps of configuring a data guard in max performance mode
keep 2 terminals open for primary and standby
primary database = prod
standby database = std

on primary
export ORACLE_SID=prod
sqlplus / as sysdba

archive log list;
make sure primary is in archive log mode. as we are going to use RMAN to configure dataguard concept.  RMAN works only with archivelog mode.
show parameter spfile;
(to check the system is working with spfile or pfile)

create pfile from spfile;
(it created initprod.ora)
shut immediate;

rm spfileprod.ora

vi initprod.ora
add the following parameters:

cp initprod.ora initstd.ora

create the necessary directory structure for standby database
cd  /u01(to go to u01 directory)
mkdir -p /u01/std/arch
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/std/adump

vi initstd.ora
replace all "prod" with "std"

change the following parameters:
db_name='prod' (must be same across all the standby databases)
remove log_archive_dest_2

on primary
export ORACLE_SID=prod
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup mount;

create password file for both
orapwd file=orapwprod password=manager force=y ignorecase=y
orapwd file=orapwstd password=manager force=y ignorecase=y

sqlplus / as sysdba
select status from v$instance;
(this is primary and must be in mount stage)

on standby
export ORACLE_SID=standby
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount;

Configure a listener for standby database and a tns entry "topune" for the same.
As this standby will be in pune city so the connection which goes to standby listener will be called as "topune".
But the database name must be same "prod".  While creating tnsname sid name is std.

Go to Linux terminal
create a listener list_std for standby database
$lsnrctl start list_std

on primary server create a connect string tns service name "topune"
$tnsping topune

on primary
$rman target / nocatalog auxiliary sys/manager@topune
RMAN> duplicate target database for standby from active database;

sqlplus / as sysdba
select name, open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;
col db_unique_name format a15
select db_unique_name, open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;
alter database open;

on standby
shut immediate;
startup nomount;
alter database mount standby database;
alter database open read only;

alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

select name, open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;
select db_unique_name, open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;

on primary
go to scott user and make some txn
sqlplus / as sysdba
conn scott/tiger
create table t1 as select * from emp;
insert into t1 select * from t1;

conn / as sysdba
alter system switch logfile;
archive log list;
note down the latest number
check the same archive log list at standby
both must be same. once we issue the "disconnect" command standby starts getting archive logs from primary and apply them locally. after a couple of minutes based on number of archive files both will be same.
If any file not moved towards standby copy them manually and use the below command. once we apply few others will start applying themself.
SQL> alter database register logfile '/var/arch/arch_1_101.arc';
If we have too many files we cant do it manual. Here we can use the below RMAN command:
rman> catalog start with '/var/arch';

Verify the Physical Standby Database Is Performing Properly
Step 1 Identify the existing archived redo log files.
select sequence#,first_time,next_time from v$archived_log order by 1;
Step 2 Force a log switch to archive the current online redo log file.
Step 3 Verify the new redo data was archived on the standby database.
select sequence#,first_time,next_time from v$archived_log order by 1;

Step 4 Verify that received redo has been applied.

Note: The value of the APPLIED column for the most recently received log file will be either IN-MEMORY or YES if that log file has been applied.
Once the apply is uptodate we can keep the standby in read only mode.
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
Converting from Max Performance Mode to Max Availability Mode
shut both primary and standby

at primary
vi initprod.ora
log_archive_dest_2='service=topune lgwr'

sqlplus / as sysdba
startup mount
alter database set standby database to maximize availability;
alter database open;
select name,open_mode,database_role, protection_mode from v$database;
With this primary is ready with max availability mode.  At standby we need to create 3 redo log files so that primary can write directly into standby logs.

At Standby
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount;
alter database mount standby database;
alter database open read only;

select name,open_mode,database_role, protection_mode from v$database;

column member format a30
select member,type from v$logfile;
alter database add standby logfile group 4 '/u01/std/redo04.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 5 '/u01/std/redo05.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 6 '/u01/std/redo06.log' size 50m;

select member,type from v$logfile;
select group#,status from v$managed_standby;
select group#,status from v$standby_log;
select name,open_mode,database_role, protection_mode from v$database;
shut immediate;
startup nomount;
alter database mount standby database;
alter database open read only;
select name,open_mode,database_role, protection_mode from v$database;
alter database recover managed standby database disconnect using current logfile;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

Converting from Max Availability Mode to Max Protection
at primary
shut immediate

vi initprod.ora
log_archive_dest_2='service=topune lgwr sync affirm'

At standby
sqlplus / as sysdba

At Primary
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup mount
alter database set standby database to maximize protection;
alter database open;
select name,open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;

at standby
select name,open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;
should be same
shut immediate

alter database recover managed standby database disconnect using current logfile;
alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

Snapshot Standby Database
FRA must be enabled at standby, to configure Snapshot Standby Database.
show parameter recover;
shut immediate;

startup mount
alter database convert to snapshot standby;
alter database open;

select name,open_mode,database_role,protection_mode from v$database;

now open mode will be read write
make some dml, ddl for testing

Going back to physical standby
shut immediate;
startup mount;
alter database convert to physical standby;
alter database open;

all the ddl, dml done previously will be lost and standby will come to the position where we converted it to snapshot standby database.

DGMGRL (Dataguard Broker Utility)
One of the prerequisites for using DGMGRL is that a primary database and any standby databases must already exist. The DG_BROKER_START initialization parameter must be set to TRUE for all databases in the configuration. You must use a server parameter file with the broker. If an instance was not started with a server parameter file, then you must shut down the instance and restart it using the server parameter file.
show parameter spfile;

We must use oracle enterprise edition to use dgmgrl utility.
select banner from v$version;

compatibility atleast
show parameter compatible

Here we are configuring both primary and standby in single machine. So single listener is enough.  But we need to create 2 tns service names one to primary(toprod)  and one to standby(topune).
Primary database name = prod
SID name          = prod
db_unique_name    = hyd
tns service name      = toprod
Standby database name = std
SID name          = std
db_unique_name    = pune
tns service name      = topune
$lsnrctl start
$tnsping toprod
$tnsping topune
both must be ok.
here m2 is my vm machine name and dba.com is my domain.
set this domain value to the parameter db_domain
alter system set db_domain=dba.com scope=spfile;
in listener we must do static regstration of the db. this must be done 2 times. one for normal prod db and another for dgmgrl.
2 entries everything is same but global db name should be like this
at Primary
Global Database Name = prod
Global Database Name  = hyd_DGMGRL.dba.com
systax is DbUniqueName_DGMGRL.domainName

at Standby
Global Database Name = std
Global Database Name  = pune_DGMGRL.dba.com

At Primary and standby both
show parameter dg_broker
alter system set dg_broker_start = true;

Before starting actual database we must add standby redo log files on both sides.  This is required if we want to configure MaxAvailability or MaxProtection modes. Both sides we need because we may also need switchover or failover in future.

alter database add standby logfile group 4 '/u01/prod/redo04.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 5 '/u01/prod/redo05.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 6 '/u01/prod/redo06.log' size 50m;
select group#, type from v$logfile order by 1;

alter database add standby logfile group 4 '/u01/std/redo04.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 5 '/u01/std/redo05.log' size 50m;
alter database add standby logfile group 6 '/u01/std/redo06.log' size 50m;
select group#, type from v$logfile order by 1;

Actual DGMGRL configuration
connect sys/manager@toprod

To create the broker configuration, you first define the configuration including a profile for the primary database, which in this case is called prod. In a later command, you will add a profile for the standby database, std.
create configuration 'dgb'
as primary database is 'hyd'
connect identifier is toprod;
Here 'hyd' is the db_unique_name of prod database.
we can confirm the above change using the following command:
show configuration;

To add a standby database to the 'dgb' configuration, use the ADD DATABASE command to create a broker configuration profile for the standby database.
add database 'pune' as
connect identifier is topune
maintained as physical;
Here 'pune' is the db_unique_name of the standby database std.

Setting Database Properties
After you create the configuration with DGMGRL, you can set database properties at any time.
EDIT DATABASE 'pune' SET PROPERTY 'LogArchiveFormat'='log_%t_%s_%r_%d.arc';
Property "LogArchiveFormat" updated.

EDIT DATABASE 'pune' SET PROPERTY 'StandbyArchiveLocation'='/u01/std/arch/';
Property "StandbyArchiveLocation" updated.

Use the SHOW DATABASE VERBOSE command to view all properties and their values for a database.
show database verbose pune;
You can change a property if the database is enabled or disabled. However, if the database is disabled when you change a property, the change does not take effect until the database is enabled.

Enabling the Configuration and Databases
So far, the DGB configuration is disabled, which means it is not under the control of the Data Guard broker. When you finish configuring the databases into a broker configuration and setting any necessary database properties, you must enable the configuration to allow the Data Guard broker to manage it.
You can enable:
·       The entire configuration, including all of its databases.
·       A standby database

Enable the entire configuration.
You can enable the entire configuration, including all of the databases, with the following command:
enable configuration;

Show the configuration.
Use the SHOW command to verify that the configuration and its databases were successfully enabled:
show configuration;

Enable the database.
This step is unnecessary except if the standby database was previously disabled with the DISABLE DATABASE command. Normally, enabling the configuration also enables the standby database.
show database 'pune';
show databae hyd;

On Standby
connect sys/manager@topune
show configuration;
should be same as primary.

Setting the Configuration Protection Mode
You can change the protection mode of the configuration at any time. However, it is best if you do this when there is no activity occurring in the configuration if you are moving to the maximum protection or maximum availability modes.
If the protection mode to be set is maximum protection mode, the broker automatically restarts the primary database.
This scenario sets the protection mode of the configuration to the MAXAVAILABILITY mode. Note that this protection mode requires that there be at least one standby database configured to use standby redo log files, with its LogXptMode configurable database property set to SYNC.

Step 1   Configure standby redo log files, if necessary.
Step 2   Set the LogXptMode configurable database property appropriately.
The broker will not allow this command to succeed unless the standby database is configured with standby redo log files in the configuration.
Step 3   Change the overall protection mode for the configuration.
Step 4   Verify the protection mode was changed.

At primary side only:
    >edit configuration set protection mode as ‘MaxAvailability’;
    >edit configuration set protection mode as ‘MaxProtection’;
    >edit configuration set protection mode as ‘MaxPerformance’;

Performing Routine Management Tasks
Changing Properties and States
Alter a Database Property
DGMGRL> EDIT DATABASE 'hyd' SET PROPERTY 'LogArchiveTrace'='127';

Alter the State of a Standby Database
You might want to temporarily stop Redo Apply on a physical standby.
Redo data is still being received when you put the physical standby database in the APPLY-OFF state.

Alter the State of a Primary Database

Disable a Configuration

Disable a Standby Database
You use the DISABLE DATABASE command when you temporarily do not want the broker to manage and monitor a standby database.

Removing the Configuration or a Standby Database
When you use either the REMOVE CONFIGURATION or REMOVE DATABASE command, you effectively delete the configuration or standby database profile from the broker configuration file, removing the ability of the Data Guard broker to manage the configuration or the standby database, respectively.
Step 1   Remove a standby database from the configuration.
When operating under either maximum protection mode or maximum availability mode, the broker prevents you from deleting the last standby database that supports the protection mode.
Step 2   Remove the broker configuration.

Performing a Switchover Operation
You can switch the role of the primary database and a standby database using the SWITCHOVER command. Before you issue the SWITCHOVER command, you must ensure:
·       The state of the primary and standby databases are TRANSPORT-ON and APPLY-ON, respectively.
·       All participating databases are in good health, without any errors or warnings present.
·       The standby database properties were set on the primary database, so that the primary database can function correctly when transitioning to a standby database (shown in the following examples in boldface type).
·       Standby redo log files on the primary database are set up, and the LogXptMode configurable database property is set to SYNC if the configuration is operating in either maximum availability mode or maximum protection mode.
·       If fast-start failover is enabled, you can perform a switchover only to the standby database that was specified as the target standby database.The state of the primary and standby databases are TRANSPORT-ON and APPLY-ON, respectively.

Step 1   Check the primary database.
Use the SHOW DATABASE VERBOSE command to check the state, health, and properties of the primary database, as follows:
Important properties to look for are
LogXptMode                       = 'SYNC'  
DbFileNameConvert               = 'dbs/bt, dbs/t'
LogFileNameConvert              = 'dbs/bt, dbs/t'
StandbyArchiveLocation        = '/archfs/arch/'
LogArchiveFormat                   = 'db1r_%d_%t_%s_%r.arc'

Step 2   Check the standby database that is the target of the switchover.
here also look for the same above properties.

Step 3   Issue the switchover command.
Issue the SWITCHOVER command to swap the roles of the primary and standby databases.
DGMGRL> switchover to 'pune';

Step 4   Show the configuration.
After the switchover completes, use the SHOW CONFIGURATION and SHOW DATABASE commands to verify that the switchover operation was successful.
Converting a Physical Standby to a Snapshot Standby
If you have a physical standby database that you would like to convert to a snapshot standby database, use the DGMGRL CONVERT DATABASE command. Redo data will continue to be received by the database while it is operating as a snapshot standby database, but it will not be applied until the snapshot standby is converted back into a physical standby database.
Note that the Flashback Database feature is required to create a snapshot standby database. If Flashback database is disabled, it is automatically enabled during conversion to a snapshot standby database. The broker automatically restarts the database to the mounted state if it had been opened with Flashback Database disabled. No user action is required.

When you are ready to revert the database back to a physical standby database, use the DGMGRL CONVERT DATABASE command again as follows. Any updates made to the database while it was operating as a snapshot standby database will be discarded. All accumulated redo data will be applied by Redo Apply services after the database is converted back to a physical standby database.

Monitoring a Data Guard Configuration
The scenario in this section demonstrates how to use the SHOW command and monitorable database properties to identify and resolve a failure situation.
Step 1   Check the configuration status.
The status of the broker configuration is an aggregated status of all databases and instances in the broker configuration. You can check the configuration status first to determine whether or not any further action needs to be taken. If the configuration status is SUCCESS, everything in the broker configuration is working fine. However, if you see the following error, it means something is wrong in the configuration:

Step 2   Check the database status.
To identify which database has the failure, you need to go through all of the databases in the configuration one by one.

Step 3   Check the StatusReport monitorable database property.
When you see message ORA-16810, you can use the StatusReport monitorable database property to identify each of the errors or warnings:
DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'hyd' 'StatusReport';

Step 4   Check the LogXptStatus monitorable database property.
You see error ORA-16737 in the previous status report in Step 3. To identify the exact log transport error, you can use LogXptStatus monitorable database property:
DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'hyd' 'LogXptStatus';
              sales1             DR_Sales ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

Now you know the exact reason why redo transport services failed. To fix this error, start the listener for the physical standby database pune.

Step 5   Check the InconsistentProperties monitorable database property.
You also see warning ORA-16714 reported in Step 3. To identify the inconsistent values for property LogArchiveTrace, you can use the InconsistentProperties monitorable database property:
DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'hyd' 'InconsistentProperties';
          prod                     LogArchiveTrace           255                   0                 0
It seems that the current database memory value (255) is different from both the server parameter file (SPFILE) value (0) and Data Guard broker's property value (0). If you decide the database memory value is correct, you can update Data Guard broker's property value using the following command:
Property "LogArchiveTrace" updated

In the previous command, Data Guard broker also updates the spfile value for you so that value for LogArchiveTrace is kept consistent.

Step 6 Check the InconsistentLogXptProps monitorable database property.
Another warning you see in the status report returned in Step 3 is ORA-16715. To identify the inconsistent values for the redo transport configurable database property, ReopenSecs, you can use the InconsistentLogXptProps monitorable database property.
DGMGRL> SHOW DATABASE 'hyd' 'InconsistentLogXptProps';

          std             pune         ReopenSecs                      600                            300  

The current database memory value (600) is different from the Data Guard broker's property value (300). If you think the broker's property value is correct, you can fix the inconsistency by re-editing the property of the standby database with the same value, as shown in the following example:
Property "ReopenSecs" updated

While these changes are happening we can monitor alert_prod.log file for live changes happening in this db.
go to alert log folder
ls -ltr drc*
$tail -f drcorcl.log
$tail -f alert_prod.log

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